Summer Solstice 2024

The earliest sunrise this year was June 14 at 5:20 a.m. Every day it has been this time, and tomorrow, June 22, it will change to 5:21 a.m., and thus begins our journey back to the darkness. The latest sunset clocks in at 8:35 p.m., starting on June 26. The twilight lingers well to 9 p.m., civil twilight lasting until 9:09 p.m. How specific we are! The length of daytime on summer solstice is 15 hours and 14 minutes, 6 hours 7 minutes longer than winter solstice. I love these little details, but are they meaningful? I guess in some instances they are very important, but for those of us who are just looking up at the sky, maybe it’s not so very significant, but so very indicative of who we are as humans, always scanning and calculating.

Summer solstice, was yesterday, June 20 at 4:50 p.m. and tonight there is a full moon, which don’t always coincide so neatly. This week has been dreadfully hot. Even walking at 7 a.m. is too warm. At 5 a.m. the birds are chattering wildly, but by afternoon it is silent. Only the crickets still chirp. But the moon! We can find solace in the moon, bright and low (this year the lowest and least bright full moon, I have read). The other day a hot wind was rustling the leaves left on the trees, as the strawberry moon rose over the ridge. Bad quality air made the night super hazy, and the moon’s glow made it look even more supernatural. I sat and watched as the moon slowly rose, bathing in the warm wind, while the fireflies flashed in the yard. It was one of those moments where I felt completely part of my surroundings, at one with the world, as it were.

  1. Hog peanut and vinca, loved the different greens.
  2. Milkweed, and its poisonous lookalike, dogbane, behind it.
  3. Sheep laurel, up in the Shawangunks.
  4. Can you see it? Either a young rat snake or a copperhead.
  5. Yellow loosestrife! I never knew.
  6. Red elderberry, so bright.
  7. New Jersey tea plant? Another new one for me.
  8. I’ve always called this variegated wintergreen, but it’s also called Striped Prince’s Pine, which I find very cute!
  9. Hello, Chicory!
  10. The rest of these are from a hot morning walk, so much green!
  11. Words.

Note: I’ll be on hiatus until August. Thanks so much for reading. I hope you’ll continue to join me when I return!


  1. I love reading your words and musings, Julia. I hope your break treats you well; I’m sure you’ll emerge inspired. Happy Solstice (a little late) to you. I also find myself getting up so much earlier this time of year (pre-dawn, as well), just to beat the heat and enjoy the peace. I end up getting much less sleep because I also tend to stay out well past sunset. I guess there’s always winter to get more rest and to recharge!!

    1. Hi and thanks, Jayme!! Always good to hear from you. I am so impressed by what you do–you are one busy (and talented) person. I get up super early, yet somehow I still manage to go to sleep early. Ha!

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